Emmanuele "EM314" Macaluso has been indicated by many authoritative newspapers as the greenest and most sustainable athlete in Italy for his commitment to the planet and attention to social issues.

A recognition that makes EM314 unique in the country's sports scene, as it comes after, for the first time in the Italian sport history, a single athlete has published the social and sustainability report.

A CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) document in which all the activities carried out by the athlete inside and outside the competition context have been highlighted and which we outline below.






Minimization of the athlete's and staff's environmental footprint:


- Digitization and minimization of paper use: The use of paper by the athlete and all the staff involved in the project is reduced to the formal needs indicated by third parties. The goal is to reduce the use of paper to zero by increasing the use of digital media.


- Optimization of transport, logistics and events - Reduction of Co2 emissions: Transports for official and unofficial commitments take place wisely, minimizing the use of means of transport with the highest polluting rate and minimizing the number of routes through the optimization of agendas and meetings. Most of the meetings take place (where possible and / or requested) in "remote and digital" mode.


- Optimization of waste management: EM314 undertakes not to release any waste or waste into the environment during training and competition activities. Water bottles and all reusable materials are brought back to the base and reused, while the files of supplements and technical accessories are disposed of only at the end of the sports session according to the logic of differentiation of urban waste.




EM314 publishes his sustainability report. The report is a formal document that illustrates the CSR actions carried out by EM314 in the field of environmental and social sustainability.

Emmanuele "EM314" Macaluso was the first athlete in the Italian sport history to publish his own social and mission report.

The documents are available in the appropriate section of this site >>>



Awareness of respect for the environment

Through the press, social media and "live" events, EM314 is committed to raising public awareness on environmental issues. The discipline chosen by the athlete is by definition "green". It therefore becomes essential to share the values ​​of the mountains, respect for the environment and sport with the public.



Global Ambassador of the "Mission Dark Sky" Campaign

EM314 is Global Ambassador of "Mission Dark Sky", the global awareness campaign on the consequences of light pollution on human health and the environment.


Aware of the objective impossibility of achieving a "zero environmental footprint", the environmental footprint of EM314 and all the project staff is as small as possible.

EM314 and all the staff are available to evaluate any suggestions and actions to further reduce it.






A universities case history

Following the publication of the social report in 2021 he becomes an university case history (LUMSA of Rome, University of San Marino and University of Valle d'Aosta), is included in academic books and participates as a speaker in the presentation of the case history at university and business academy.

Already in 2020 Emmanuele "EM314" Macaluso was the object of attention from the University of Valle d'Aosta, after he made public the "Remodeling of the marketing strategy due to the postponement of the sporting debut for the Covid-19 health emergency. ". The document, can be downloaded for free on the "Academia.edu" portal, was published to provide strategic guidelines to other sports managers to overcome the social-economic-financial crisis scenario.



Testimonial of the "Giù le Mani dai Bambini" social campaign

Since 2008, Emmanuele Macaluso has been the testimonial of the social campaign "Giù le Mani dai Bambini", a pharmacovigilance Campaign against the abuse of psychotropic drugs on minors.



Membership of other social campaigns

EM314 adheres to the “Manifesto dello Sport” social campaign and to the road safety campaign “I respect the cyclist”.



Commitment beyond sport

In addition to being a professional athlete, Emmanuele Macaluso is a marketing expert and speaker. Author of essays and hundreds of articles, in 2011 he published the "Ethical Marketing Manifesto", a document at the center of many social responsibility activities by companies and universities in Italy and abroad.






- Awarded with the Silver Plaque of the Presidency of the Italian Republic by President Giorgio Napolitano for social merits linked to the awareness campaign “Giù le Mani dai Bambini” - (November 2008)


- Athlete awarded by the 9th District of the City of Turin for sporting and social merits (April 2007)



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